Embarking on the Exciting Journey of Off-Plan Property Purchase in Baleares Islands: Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca

Embarking on the Exciting Journey of Off-Plan Property Purchase in on of your favourite islands: Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca. 1. Safeguarding Your Investment: It's smart to wonder what happens to your deposit if the developer faces financial issues. To add an extra layer of protection, ask for a bank guarantee. This ensures you still have access to your funds even if the developer goes...

New Law on Housing Rental in Catalonia

The new rental law establishes that the price index will be determined according to the reference index set by the Generalitat. As specified by the Generalitat, the new law "allows the Administration to classify certain areas of the territory as areas with a tense housing market and subject leases concluded in those areas to a rent containment regime." "Its application is excluded for leases signed before...

Understanding the New Urban Planning Regulations in the Balearic Islands

The Balearic Official Gazette (BOIB) has recently published the Urban Planning Law of the Balearic Islands, set to come into effect on January 1, 2018. This comprehensive law aims to bring about lasting changes and has incorporated over 30% of amendments proposed by various parliamentary groups. The final text is the result of a participatory process involving more than 60 professionals in the urban...

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